MTDC Wildland Firefighter Safety Posters

January 9, 2010

To download these images in full color/high quality and print on a plotter, please go to the Forest Service’s Missoula Technology & Development Center (MTDC): CLICK HERE

To purchase these posters pre-made, contact the Great Basin Fire Cache for ordering procedures.

It doesn’t make sense having great safety posters like these hidden on some obscure federal website link that folks rarely, if ever visit. Click the posters shown in this post (above)…. and also be sure to click on the NWCG Wildland Firefighter Safety Posters from yesterday.

I expect to see some of these posters start showing up on some of our Fire Camp and Fire Station bulletin boards…. and maybe even in a few restroom stalls… Posters and images such as these (13 Watch Out Situations) made huge impacts on safety earlier in my career (Link from Thanks to Bill Gabbert at for saving them and making them available online.