Introducing the "Fire Camp Flea Market & Commissary"

December 14, 2009

As some of you may have noticed, over the last two days, a new link on the left column has appeared. It is titled, Fire Camp Flea Market & Commissary – Books, Gear, and Gadgets for Firefighters.

The Fire Camp Flea Market & Commissary is an online store associated with this weblog. 100% of the proceeds earned through this humble online storefront will be donated to the Wildland Firefighter Foundation.

Please…. check it out. I’m sure you’ll like some of the items that are on display. If you have suggestions on additions, please let us know by sending an email to: Admin (at) RamblingChief (dot) com.

Here are the current categories of items included in the store:

— Must Have Firefighter Gear
— Books on Leadership
— Books on Wildland Fire
— Books on Safety & Survival
— Fire Videos and DVDs
— Firefighter Clothing
— Firefighter Gadgets
— Ideas for Christmas Shopping