Wildland Fire Agencies: All Risk or Not?

December 30, 2009
“Wildland fire agencies respond to more types of emergencies than only wildland fire.They also respond to hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, terrorist attacks—any type of natural or manmade disaster or emergency could result in a request for Federal wildland fire resources. Thus, the Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, may be called on to support response to and management of situations that involve multiple agencies.” ~ Gordon Sachs, Emergency Management Specialist, USDA Forest Service.
The above quote is found in the current issue of Fire Management Today. There are a couple of excellent articles in the latest edition.
  • Anchor Point: Fire Management Into the Future.
  • Hired for Fire: Wildland Fire Management Projects Putting People To Work.
  • Response Partnerships During Disasters: Emergency Support Function 4.
  • Coping With Change.
  • After-Action Reviews—Who Conducts Them?
  • Mitigation on Alabama’s Gulf Coast: Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge.
  • An Answer to a Burning Question: What Will the Forest Service Spend on Fire Suppression This Summer?
  • Teaching Fire Ecology in Public Schools.
  • Plow-Line Disturbance From Wildfire Suppression in Two Florida State Parks.
  • Lessons From the Hayman Fire: Forest Understory Responses to the Scarify-and-Seed Postfire Rehabilitation Treatment.
  • Wildland Fire Behavior and “The Course of Science” Flowchart: Is There a Connection?
  • Fuels Treatments and Fire Models: Errors and Corrections.
Check it out. Usually Fire Management Today has some excellent articles with nuggets of great information. To view back issues of Fire Management Today or its predecessor Fire Control Notes all the way back to the 1930’s: CLICK HERE

If you really get a kick out of history….. CLICK HERE . It’s a pretty cool look back into the past… the current… and our future within the wildland fire community. Look at the recurring themes over the last decade or so in the various websites.

Question to our viewers and contributors: Is the Gordon Sachs described above, the same “Gordon M. Sachs” that produced the following works of fire service literature?:
Officers Guide to Fire Service E.M.S. (1999)
Terrorism Emergency Response: A Workbook for Responders (2002)
The Fire and EMS Department Safety Officer (2001)