Documentary: "Where There’s Smoke"

January 9, 2010

“Where There’s Smoke” is a documentary about wildland firefighters. It is directed by firefighter and filmmaker Sean Wilson, and examines the experiences of several wildland firefighting crews as they battle the elements during the largest wildland fires of the 2006 fire season.

The film follows various firefighting units from May to October of 2006.

  • CAL FIRE Hemet Helitack (Helicopter 301)
  • CAL FIRE Valley View Crew 3
  • The Sierra Hotshots
  • The Honeydew Volunteer Fire Department
  • Fire Apparatus Engineer Douglas Record

It was shown widely on the Film Festival circuit, as well as on the Documentary Channel. Recently, it is currently being hosted at . It is an excellently produced documentary and well worth taking the time to view… or share with friends.

Sean Wilson graduated from Humboldt State University with a Bachelors Degree in Film Production and is currently pursuing a career with CAL FIRE. This last fire season, Sean was promoted to a Limited Term Fire Apparatus Engineer (LT-FAE) position.

Note: In order to view the documentary, you might need to up date whichever Flash Media Player you are using. I recommend the Adobe Flash Player 10 if you are unable to view. It is easy to download and completely free. It works with the latest web browsers such Windows Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, and Opera.