Blast from the Past – Ever wanted to look back at your favorite websites?

December 23, 2009
If you like history like I do, you’ll love these links to archives from some of your favorite websites.
Here are some great web archives to see just how far we’ve really come within the wildland fire community in the last decade. All quotes taken directly from website archives. It’s always good to look back at where we were in the last decade… and where we want to be in the next.

The FWFSA website archives: CLICK HERE .

“FWFSA is a non-profit, non-partisan professional association established BY and FOR federal wildland firefighters with the purpose of fostering acquaintance, cooperation, efficiency and harmony amongst all firefighters. FWFSA is NOT a labor organization and will NOT form collective bargaining units for the purpose of entering into negotiations with local management officials regarding matters of employment. FWFSA is affiliated with the International Association of Fire Fighters AFL/CIO. FWFSA intends to work WITH national and regional officials to achieve its stated goals and objectives.”

The Wildland Firefighter Foundation website archives: CLICK HERE .

“To establish and maintain a Wildland Firefighters National Monumnet, at NIFC –the National Interagency Fire Center; to provide emergency financial assistance to families of fallen fire-fighters (past, present & future) and to aid with support of their young children; to educate the public about fire ecology, wildland fire and natural resource management; and to strengthen partnerships that reflect interagency and private sector collaboration.”

The website archives: CLICK HERE .

“Greetings heroes, glad you found us! Take your boots off, put your feet up and “take five”. Here you’ll find the thoughts, opinions, rumors, experiences, and computer savvy of your peers. No Jaws-O-Life, or hooks & ladders, no bullshit, (well. . . maybe some, and more than a little smoke), no advertisements, frames or java. Just wildland fire information, links, and photos of ground pounders, engine slugs, and rotorheads.”

The Forest Service website archives: CLICK HERE .

“The phrase, Caring for the Land and Serving People, captures the Forest Service mission. As set forth in law, the mission is to achieve quality land management under the sustainable multiple-use management concept to meet the diverse needs of the people… Mike Dombeck, Chief, USDA Forest Service.”

 The Nat’l Wildfire Coordinating Group website archives: CLICK HERE .

“The purpose of NWCG is to establish an operational group designed to coordinate programs of the participating wildfire management agencies.”

The Wildland Fire Leadership website archives: CLICK HERE .

“The most essential element of successful wildland firefighting is competent and confident leadership. The wildland fire leadership development program has been established to provide an avenue for you to improve essential leadership skills during all stages of your career. The ultimate goal is to develop leaders with a bias for action who can make timely decisions in high stress situations and who are effective at getting the job done without compromising firefighter safety.”